Hello all! It has been three weeks since I have last blogged, which is three weeks TOO long. Me and my fiance have been moving into a new house and running around trying to get everything unpacked. At last we are almost finished and everything is starting to feel like home again.
Us getting moved into this house was quite divine I must say. The one thing that was a struggle, as it first seemed, was that we couldn't find "the place" of our dreams. I had contacted some Realtors and results were looking rather bare and ultimately very depressing. One day I went to look at a property that had a cardboard signed nailed to the post of the house reading, "BANKRUPTCY APPLICANTS OK HERE". The sign itself looked better than the house if you catch my drift. I was infuriated.
I was so mad that I decided to drive back through this neighborhood that I had been eyeing for months just to see if any properties had become available. A voice in the back of my head kept telling me that if a property was available it would have been on the rental sites online. In which at that point I was pretty much living on those sites for the weeks leading up to this. But I kept going, I decided to ignore that voice. I drove up and down the streets, raking over the properties like a hawk. I finally came upon a very cute town home that in my mind already had a banner on it saying "Welcome home Cristian and Ava". Since my town home already had the banner hung up I decided to call the realtor and claim our house. Needless to say we got the house and we are extremely happy.
Where's the divinity of this situation you may ask?
Well, a month or so before I had found a property in the same neighborhood that I ABSOLUTELY fell in love with. I'm telling you I had developed a minor obsession with this property and I just HAD to have it. Unfortunately after my weeks of obsession over the house it was taken by another bidder. I was disappointed; like my mother likes to say "I love to win". And this instance I felt like I had kind of lost. SO, after finding our new property where we live now I had noticed something quite odd. I looked across the street and we live across the way from the original property that I had wanted so bad. Our current home offers a lot more than the original property had to give but that wasn't the divinity. I had channeled ALL of my energy into this property for weeks and weeks. I constantly thought positive, prosperous thoughts and AFFIRMED that I would get this house. Sometimes it seems that divinity and grace can fail and you don't get what you want. But the reality of the situation is that it is all divine order and our current property is the property we were INTENDED to have. That was the divinity of the situation.
After all of this I thought to myself how lucky we were to get this house and that we really lucked out. But then I think deeper and I feel like what I should have said is "OF COURSE we got this house. We are divine, prosperous beings and we were destined to have this house."
On a day to day basis do we say things like that though? Do we use "of course" in that context?
Generally most people's "of course mentality" is used like so:
OF COURSE there's a line at the grocery store, I always put it off to the last minute
OF COURSE I'm caught in traffic, rush hour seems to follow my vehicle
OF COURSE I have broken another nail, my cuticles are out to get me
There could be some dramatization added onto those but you catch my drift. What if we changed our "of course mentality"? Instead of using of course in an unfortunate instance, we used it in a positive and divine instance. For example when something happens that is just out of this world awesome and you feel like doing a happy dance. To not think, wow I'm really lucky, but to think OF COURSE this is happening to me! I am a beautiful child of God, on my divine journey and prosperity is always coming my way. How different could our lives be if we changed our perspective with those two little words?
Now this is not something that could happen overnight for most individuals. But little by little we can change our thoughts and our actions into being more positive and focusing on our prosperity. After all, I would rather think positive and be proven wrong then to think negative and always be proven right.
The more attention you focus on positive thoughts and most importantly prosperous thoughts is the more you will have those elements in your life. It's simple as cause and effect. What you put out in the world is what will be returned to you.
For example, when I was about 17 years old I was calling in "sick" to work. I had worked up exactly what I wanted to say and executed the call flawlessly. As I continued to lay on the couch I began to feel sick. The longer I laid there, the longer I felt worse and worse. It wasn't until I had snapped out of it and came back to reality to remind myself that I was CALLING in sick NOT actually sick. From this story you could just think that I am a crazy person , which is somewhat true, but I believe it was my thoughts. If thought is that powerful just think how else it can effect your life.
So I challenge you. Go out this week and even if you have to fake it, think positive and prosperous thoughts. I always tell people to never limit your prosperity bank because it can overflow as long as you allow it to. You just have to set your prosperity gauge to what you want it to be. And I don't know about you but I want mine all the way cranked up and functioning at maximum efficiency. Don't let the power of your thoughts control you, let your thoughts of power, positivity and prosperity propel your mind.
Have a great week!
Quote of the day:
"Freedom lies in being bold"
-Robert Frost
Great post, Ava! It's like I said to you and Cristian... life is meant to go smoothly and be enjoyed!
ReplyDeleteAlso... Ava...
"OF COURSE I have broken another nail, my cuticles are out to get me"
LOL. That's an "Ava" example...
I have to throw in some of Ava spice in there don't I? haha