Saturday, June 23, 2012

Who me? No YOU!

   Hey there everyone! Hope your week has been wonderful and that your weekend is off to a great start. Generally after I write my blog on Saturday, I immediately have something else I want to talk about. I think about it all week, eager to get it down in writing and be able to share it with all of you.

   This week I was thinking about being the best YOU that you can be. Every single person has something unique about themself. Something that only they can do and something that they are good at. I don't believe this is just a coincedence but more so that we are born with special gifts. With that being said I think it is important for us to recognize our unique and special gifts.

   In life there is always going to be someone that's different than you. I don't like to say better than you but different instead. No one can be BETTER than you are but simply they do something DIFFERENT than you do. This mentality really lies in the eye of the beholder but I would challenge you to never look at another and think they are better than you. But to think that they approach a task or there particular talent differently than you would and they are very good at it. There's nothing wrong in acknowleging others talents or taking notice how well they do something. It makes you no less of a person or less talented by having other talented people around you.

   In reality I feel like this is the ideal sistuation. You WANT to have people around you that are talented, smart and bright. The more you are around people that push you up and challenge you is the more that you will grow. The more you around people who bring you down and try and take down your talent the more you will shrivel up. We don't want to shrivel.

   I think back to when I was kid and how absolutely fearless I was. If there was a choir audition I was at it, first in line. If there was a talent show needing some more acts, off I would go to the stage and try and get into the show. As a kid I used to get all dressed up in my bedroom, come down the stairs and inform my parents that I was going to preform for them. I'd set down my boom box, strike a pose and off I went singing and dancing. Never once did I think it was silly or foolish because I was raised to be unique an to share my light with others. Most children seldom ever think, "Aw, I can't do that. Those kids are better than me." Generally children are the first ones to jump up and scream LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!

   So what happens? How do we go from fearless little undiscovered superstars to more cautious and fearful? I believe that it's what we start to allow people to tell us and get into our heads. People saying things like your not good enough or there's no way you could accomplish that. The difference is, is that you don't have to let that affect you and how you feel about yourself. Just like your grocery cart. Don't let people put unwanted items in your grocery cart so also don't let people fill your head with ideals about yourself that you don't even agree with.

   The point being is that you have something that only you can do. You are the only person that can be you. Which is so unbelievably powerful. If you don't believe me think about it this way. Only you have your set of finger prints. No one else. It's like God's little blue print he made on your skin to make you an individual. If your skin can be different from others than so can your talent.

   Instead of thinking fearfully about other people and how much better they could be than you, instaed think about how great YOU are! First accept there will always be skinny, talented. pretty, smart, future CEO people but that doesn't mean you can't achieve greatness as well. It's not about how good your are at something that makes you special, it's what's within YOU that sets you apart from the rest. That's how you'll land the dream job, the dream partner and ultimately the success you want in life.

    Make a list of all the things you love to do. Take notice I didn't say a list of things that you are GOOD at. Make a list of things that you LOVE to do. There's nothing worth doing in life if you don't absolutely love it. What should be on that list is things you could do everyday, for the rest of your life and that would make you happy. What you will find while making this list is how many passions you have and how much talent you possess. You will see your unqiuness and your individuality the more you focus on all the things you love to do. Because again, only you can do those things the way you do.

   In the end all that matters in life is that you are being the best you that you can be. You may have some dreams, KEEP DREAMING. You may have some goals, GO ACHIEVE THEM. You may even have some crazy desire that seems totally impossible, MAKE IT HAPPEN.

   Sometimes when you share your dreams or aspirations with others they will look at you like you are crazy. That's a GREAT thing. That means your shaking up the system. That you are settling into your authentic and best you can be self and your taking life by the reigns and your moving.

   Go out this week and EVERY week for that matter and be the best YOU and live your passion(s). Rock the boat, get real and be you. You only live one life and then that's it. So it's like the famous quote, “Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal.”


Quote of the day:
"One day at a time-this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."

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