Happy Sunday all! Hope everyone has had a good weekend and is getting ready for another awesome week. This is my favorite time of the week to come to Panera with my love, sit down and write and just escape for a little bit. Generally right after I write my blog, I'm already thinking of the next thing I want to write and it really gets me revved up for the week. This Sunday is a very special day because it is Father's Day. I just wanted to take a minute and recognize my dad for all that he is and all that he does.
Dad, you are a truly incredible person. You always help guide me and tell me what I need to hear even if it's not exactly what I WANT to hear. We have so many great memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. You have showed me what hard work, determination and never giving up can bring you in life. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do for me as well as our family. I love you very much.
Something I admire about my dad is that he never does anything that he doesn't want to do. He doesn't feel that certain obligation that some feel to do things or say things that we don't want to but we do anyways. He will say things like, "Well why would I do that?" or " Why would I put myself in that situation?" He fills his life with what HE wants and what HE picks. The act of filling your life with what YOU want is a very powerful trait that we should all do everyday.
With all this being said...
Let's fill up our life with the good that we want in it!

So many times people think life is filled with just that...LIFE. But the truth is, is that you choose the life that you want and all the things that are in it. After you pick the life you want to live and how you're going to live it, you need to pick how your going to FILL it.
How do you make this happen?
Simple, find out what you want in life and fill your life with it. You need to fill your tank up FULL with all things that YOU have hand selected for your life. Such as the goals that you want to achieve, the type of friends you want to have, the success you want to see and the fulfillment you want to feel. The more energy and time you focus on these things you want in your life is the more they will manifest in your life. Most importantly if you don't choose what you want to fill your life with, the world will pick what your life will be filled with. That's a scary thought.
There's a human behavioral specialist by the name of Dr. John DeMartini that also shares this philosophy. He believes that if you don't fill your day with important things, that in return it will be filled with unimportant things. Things that you don't care about or that possibly could bring you burden instead of happiness. Things that you don't even want but you didn't decide what you DID want so now it is there.
Some people have a mentality that when it rains it pours. It's a very victim oriented mentality. You know what those people get? Nasty thunderstorms that bring nothing but burden, restriction and limited prosperity. This happens because they have channeled all of their energy on the negative things they don't want in their life and nothing on the positive things that they would rather see in their life. I always say when it rains it does pour, buckets of prosperity and blessings on my life. Instead of listing all the negative things or the things you DON'T want, try and list all the positive things in your life and the things you DO want.
What would happen if we could change our mentality to always listing the things that we DO want? If we could focus all of our energy on the things we want in our life and most importantly going and getting it?
Imagine you're in the grocery store. You wouldn't let random people shove things in your basket. You would think that these people are crazy trying to put things in your basket and telling you what you want to buy. You'd be throwing that unwanted Stove Top and Twinkies at their heads. Now take this concept and apply it towards your life. Don't let people or circumstances shove their way into your life and decide what needs to be in it. You need to shove them OUT of the way and make room to FILL the things you want in your life.
So go out this week and fill your life. Fill up your tank with all the things you want to see in your life. Make a list, get very clear on what you want and go and get it, because nothing is impossible in life until you speak the words that make it so.
Have a great week!
Quote of the day:
"To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limit's. That is the courage to succeed."
~Bernard Edmonds
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