Saturday, October 6, 2012

Our world of YES!

Yes Man Poster
   Good Morning everyone! I hope everyone had a fabulous week and I am sure you all are ready to enjoy the weekend. So what better way to start the weekend then with a great blog post? :) Today I want to talk about how our world of YES sometimes become a world of NO.
   When you were a child, what did you want to be? What dreams did you have? And typically weren't those dreams encouraged? All I know is that I wanted to be a lawyer, a rock star and a 1st grade teacher all at one time. I would constantly come to my mom with a new occupation I wanted to have or a dream I want to achieve. She would always smile and say, "I know you can do it" or "Absolutely let's make it happen".
   No where did she say, "That's impossible" or "How unreasonable you can't do all those things at once". It was always just about dreaming and thinking about the next great thing I wanted to do. So what happens? How does that world of YES YES YES become a world of NO and DISBELIEF and IMPOSSIBLE dreams?
   It is seemingly so that it is a lot of society and our peers that fill our minds with no and thoughts of not being able to achieve something. I know as we grow older we become more level headed and see the world differently, but I don't think we should view the world as a "no" type of place. Or even a place where dreams only come true for SOME people but not ALL people.
   Kind of like in Yes Man with Jim Carrey. I know that the movie was a bit extreme and was really funny but it had such a good message. That to live your life for an amount of time just saying yes and trying new things. Yes to new experience, Yes to new friends and Yes to the dreams that go around in our head constantly.
   Because if you think about it, it's not only society or our peers that talk down our dreams. Most of the time it is ourselves. We can be our own worst critics sometimes. How many times do we have a thought and want to try something or do something and we eventually talk our way out of it?
 A lot right?
We will come up with a lot of excuses: I'm not smart enough, people will be better than me, someone may laugh at me, I could look silly. And the list could go on and on.
   But what if changed that negative reel tape in our head to a positive one. That when we saw an opportunity or perhaps a dream that we have thought of we thought: YES I can do that, YES I have something special to offer, YES I can do remarkable things in my life. But it's all about what reel tape you choose to put in the player; what you are choosing to listen to.
   The reality is that the world will always try and tell you no. It will try and show you the impossibilities of life and your dreams. But you need to make the choice to NOT listen and to keep going. You can almost take that disbelief being said as fuel. You can take that negative and make it a positive.
   In life someone is ALWAYS going to do something differently than you. And that difference could make them do something really good or maybe not as good. You can't change other people but you can focus on yourself. You can't change how well someone else does something but you can recognize how well you do things and how unique you are.
   It's important to never compare ourselves to others. Because if you think about it it's not an even playing field or a fair comparison. Why? Because we are ALL unique and have special talents and gifts to give to the world. We should acknowledge other peoples talents but it is very important to acknowledge your OWN talents.
   Sometimes I like to say there will always be shrubs standing next to large trees, but don't let those shrubs try and talk you down from being that tall tree. In reality I'm sure that that shrub has some great qualities and that tree has great qualities and both are different and special in their own way. But not to get too in depth with my nature analogy.
   I think the biggest take away in life is knowing who you are, living your dreams and recognizing all the wonderful things that only YOU can do. Because in the end you are the ONLY one that can be YOU. So if you think you don't have something to offer, you definitely have one, you are you and no one else can be that.
   Everyday we should be thinking, how am I going in the directions of my dreams? What have I done to fulfill my destiny today? Am I still standing tall or am I being talked down by some shrubs? The more we think this, the more we will discover about ourselves and realize our full potential.
   So go out this week and live a week of YES and ENCOURAGEMENT. If you have NO thoughts or hear others say NO just take that tape out and replace it with a new positive one in your head. And to know that you can do anything in this world if you set your mind to it, work hard and most importantly believe in yourself and your dreams.
Have a great week,
Quote of the day:
"The strongest force in the universe is a human being living consistently with his identity."
  ~Tony Robbins


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