Hey there everyone! It has been a while since I have posted. I have been getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of life lately but my inspiration never ceases. I constantly am thinking of something I want to write about or a message I want to put down into words. I intended to write a totally different blog today but I became inspired to talk more on the mantra of "success". So here goes.
Success is a pretty loaded word. People strive for it, work for it and aspire to have as much of it as possible. But the thing about Success is that it is different for everyone. No two people have the exact same perception of what their success should look like in their life. That being said, the road to success will never be the same in comparison to others.
Then why is "success" always being compared between people?
When we are progressing through life, accomplishing our goals, whether it be school or work related we tend to strive for the highest level of success. Naturally right? But we also tend to look at others progress or success and compare.
Sometimes we think:
*That person is more successful than me
*I am more successful then them
*They have made some pretty dumb mistakes
*I feel like I have made some pretty dumb mistakes
Or maybe none of the above. My point being that sometimes we look at others and compare our success or accomplishments to theirs. But is that really comparing apples to apples? Just as no ones perception of success is going to be the same, the road to success for two people won't be the same.
Everything in life has a purpose and an order. I refer to this as Divine Order. Everything works accordingly and just as it should. SO, when you're on your journey of life ,sometimes we make choices that some people agree with and some that don't. All of our journeys are different. We all take different paths and courses, have a different set of values that are important to us and we make different decisions. But this doesn't mean any specific person is in the wrong or not "doing it right".
Sometimes isn't it made to feel that way though?
At times people make decisions that we don't understand. Maybe you have a family member or a friend that is making choices that make no sense to you. Perhaps dropping out of school, taking a crazy job or even moving to a new city far away from family. But that's the beauty of success! It takes us all different places and there are several different paths to find success. It's not just a one way road.
If we all took the same path, same course and made the same decisions...it would be so boring! We wouldn't have anything that differentiated us from one another. The E! Channel would no longer have the True Hollywood Story segment because they could just flash across the screen...DID THE SAME THING AS OTHER. Which would greatly hurt their ratings.
So make crazy choices! Take an unknown road and hope to find something great.Even if it feels like you're too far gone and made too many mistakes. Don't ever give up. Because it's never too late. Just like only you can be the unique and wonderful you, you are also the only one that can map out your destiny and success. So become the master of your destiny!
Sometimes the best thing to do is look on other people's success stories. Not to compare it to your own or make you feel self conscious about your choices; but instead to educate yourself on how so many people make different choices and experience great things.
So many of the "greats" before us didn't even graduate high school! Some were told they would never read or amount to anything. Want to know what one of the keys to their success was ?
And they never gave up.
That right there can be one of the greatest tools to take along your journey to success. And that journey is never ending. You constantly can strive for more and more and continue to grow. Personally, I never want to reach the pinnacle of success, I constantly want to keep growing and finding new success. Because once I get to the top and have nothing else to strive for...what do I do? Slowly start to tumble down? I always want to find something else and push myself to be more. Not because of anything else but the fact that I know I can and it will always be something I am greatly passionate about.
So go out and find your passion, goals, dream, aspirations and head out on your journey to success. And don't let anyone tell you that it's not right or not how they would do it. Because at the end of the day it's all about what YOU want in life and you're the ONLY one that can go and get it.
Have a great week all!
Quote of the day:
” If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.” Jim Rohn
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill
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