Pretty loaded question right?
Is that really the MOST important question though? In my opinion it is not what IS life it's what is YOUR life. Some may think life is the same for all. Perhaps some think it's an illogical question to ask what is your life when some think all of our lives are all the same.
In my opinion: YOUR life is what YOU make it. No two people are the same, thus being no two lives are the same. But what really makes ones life special is how you create it or how you mold it to be. No life is packaged up, sent to your doorstep with a delivery man saying, "Hey your life arrived today. Who wants to sign?"
Sometimes it could be kind of convenient to have a delivery man come to the door with a nice, pretty packaged life just waiting to be opened and lived.
Yes, life is complicated and messy and stressful and a million other things. But I believe the view of ones life should looked at with a different pair of glasses. That even though the reality of life has it's troubles but that life is so outrageously awesome and gorgeous.
When your a child life is a playground. I mean you used to LOVE when the clocks would fall backward because you got to play one more hour outside because the sun would set later in the day. Now, adults on the other hand, can't stand when they have to wake up earlier and be thrown off schedule. I will admit I am the farthest thing from perfection and that is one my thoughts when I have to fall back instead of springing forward.
But what happens? How does it change from life being so jovial and fun when kids but burdened and stressful when an adult? No, the answer is not, "Well that's just the way it is when you get older." Or, "Responsibilities come a-knockin' so the fun comes to a stoppin'." The answer is that it's what you created it to be.
It all depends on how your viewing the world; what glasses you have on and how your choosing to perceive it. Because in the end that's all life is, a game that you need to play and not have it play you. Make the glasses you are going to look through, create the life you want and most importantly GO and LIVE it.
Nothing is ever placed in your life that you can't handle. True story indeed if you're doubting me. You are a powerful being, you are anointed, you are a victor, you have all the tools necessary to create your life and most importantly go live it.
Nothing will be placed on your lap that you can't handle. But you have to accept the challenge and rise to fact that you can indeed take it on and that it will not defeat you. If you accept that the challenge is greater than you, then it will indeed be greater than you and suck you under.
In high school I left public school and switched to being home schooled. I wanted to work, maybe do some acting on the side or whatever in the world was going on in my head. I worked through my entire high school education a full time job, sometimes two, and also had a lot speed bumps occur in me and my family's life along the way. In the end I got my high school diploma and it was amazing. It was also one of the hardest things I ever did since I was in a self taught home school program which meant I, Ava Wick, was my very own high school educator.
Upon enrolling in college, Lonestar Montgomery, I was worried. Because:
A. I hadn't been in a classroom in about four years
B. I had taught myself the courses that I would now be expanding on
C. Just because I was plain ol' terrified
It turned out that my home schooled education curriculum was quite different then the public systems. Some courses I didn't have to take or some courses were on a different level of difficulty. Now I was in college and was going to have to learn the basics WHILE learning the accelerated college level. But never once did I think I wasn't smart enough for the classes or the classes were going to overtake me. I must admit though that in my college Algebra class, I did have some thoughts of me drowning and the only way I could be saved would be solving an imaginary number problem and that I would most likely go under. Dramatic, yes I know.
What's the point of this story? The point is I didn't go in feeling like a victim or that I wasn't good enough to attend the classes. I knew I had a disadvantage and that I was going to have to work harder; but never thought I couldn't do it. I have maintained at 3.8-4.0 GPA and have never failed a class and most importantly I have learned a lot.
So, I challenge you to choose the glasses your going to wear to view your life and to create something great for yourself. Wake up everyday knowing that life is a gift and don't ever waste it.
A lot of people will sit around and think of how their perfect life could be and what it would look like. Don't be that person.
Go out, create it and live it!
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
― Albert Einstein
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