Good Morning All! It is a beautiful morning today and I feel so lucky to be able to see the sun shine through the clouds and get my day started. It has been way too long since I have blogged but I think about it everyday and here I am to get my thoughts down. That's what generally is flowing through my head most of the time. What do I want to write? How do I want to say it? What message can I put out there? How can I help people? So, if I ever seem distracted and staring off into space...these are only a few things going through my head. My head is like a busy highway.
Today I want to talk about "Our Life Of Plenty". Because today is no ordinary day. Today is September 11th and our Nation is in a state of remembrance from the tragedy that occurred. This day will never be forgotten; it will never leave our hearts and minds.
So many innocent men and women lost their lives. So many children lost their parents, husbands lost their wives and wives lost their husbands. This day can be described as nothing else but a devastating tragedy. My heart is with all the families that mourn today, all the family members who never had there closure for there lost loved one and of course the thousands that lost their lives.
But this day has a certain affect on me. While I of course think of the tragedy and the innocent lives lost, I really reflect upon my life. My life of plenty! My life where I have so much abundance, prosperity and so many blessings. Sometimes we get caught up in our own worlds and we forget how truly blessed and lucky we are.
That's why whenever I feel like I am getting too wrapped up in my world or my problems I like to do something for someone. Doesn't have to be huge, but just something for me to give to someone else and take a minute to be grateful.
We have a life of PLENTY. The ability to have jobs, and great families and food to eat is nothing to be looked over. Especially today. Today is the perfect day to really concentrate on your life of plenty. All the great things that go on in your day today, all the wonderful things your life is filled with and all of the miraculous things that have happened to you for you to have gotten where you are today.
I was watching Long Island Medium last night on TLC, yes I know, but it's my guilty pleasure. What I love about her and this show is not the fact that she can communicate with the other side but the fact that she is constantly helping people. She constantly is giving people peace of mind and closure and making them smile. That's the type of show I want to watch! But also the show reminds me how incredibly lucky I am, and how grateful I am for my life.
There was a story of a woman who had recently lost her husband, leaving her to be a single mom of two young children. She said the night of his death they went into town, had a great time, and on the way home grabbed some pizza. Unfortunately, her husband had an egg allergy, even though he had eaten pizza all the time, this pizza was egg-washed. So they got home, he sat down on the couch, she went upstairs and that was the last time they saw each other. When she woke up in the morning, she had a text message that her husband had sent her very late in the night. The text wrote that while they were on the way into the city, he just stared at her and thought how lucky he was, and how much he loved her. She went downstairs to find that he had passed and her world crumbled around her.
So, I'm watching this and am tearing up and all I could think was I am so thankful for Cristian. The love of my life, the man of my dreams and the man I get to love on everyday. It made me remember how I have so much love in my life and from so many different people.
I have such a great family, that is all around me. Whenever I want I can call them up on the phone or shoot them a text message to say hi or I love you. And this should NEVER be taken for granted.
When you go to the pantry and you moan and groan, "There's NOTHING to eat!". Yes I am guilty of this too. But really, we have PLENTY to eat, we have all that we need. The man or woman, sitting under the overpass on the street, THEY do not have food. They don't even have a pantry to stare at, to look at the food that we don't really want to eat but that we have.
When we have a bad day at work and we just think our job is terrible or we're just so tired. We have a life of PLENTY that allows us the opportunity to HAVE a job. The man or woman who is constantly hitting the streets to find a job or filling out numerous job applications daily. They don't even HAVE a job to "complain" about and if they got that job, there wouldn't be a thing to complain about.
When your family is going through something or maybe a family member is bothering you. Maybe you think to yourself, how annoying someone is or why does MY family have to be this way. There are people all over the world TODAY and EVERYDAY who would give anything to hear their lost loved ones voice one more time. Get to hold them in their arms or shoot them a text to have lunch somewhere.
So I challenge you today and everyday for that matter. To go and give to that man or woman under the bridge, take them a sandwich or a bottle of water. Go to work with a grateful heart and remind yourself all day how lucky you are to have that job. Help someone who can't find a job, whether it's just looking out for a job posting here and there or grabbing an application for someone.
We don't have to go out into the world everyday and be Superman or Wonder woman to make a difference. All it takes is small acts of kindness and really focusing on your life of plenty. This life means nothing if we aren't helping others and giving from our hearts. Because that is what the TRUE meaning of life is, helping others. Because when you help someone else get to their dream, you will get to yours. There is no point in life fighting and scraping to the top, to only get to the top and see all the others left behind. Take people with you, let people experience your life of plenty.
So I just have one question...
Who are you going to help today?
Quote of the day:
"For it is in giving that we receive."
-Francis of Assisi